
So you can't send messages to deactivated accounts and I'm low key stressed cause where am I suppose to leave a message now 


My wattpad keeps randomly freezing on me  it'll freeze so I'll have to close it off then I'll tap back on it and it'll shut itself off so I'll go on it again and it'll work after the second try so I can read for a while before it freezes again and I have to do it all over again and seriously I'm actually ready to cry 


The people at my boarding school are playing music really loudly threw their god damn speakers and the music is really bad to and I know it's illegal and all but I really want to stab them in the face. Or go the less illegal route and throw their speaker out the window...


It's currently 4:40 because I got distracted by fan fiction and didn't keep track of time so now I'm at the debate of should I just not go to sleep cause even though I'll be tired I can just go to sleep early tonight and it'll probably be easier than trying to wake up before 9:00 or go to bed and risk sleeping threw the alarm and not waking up till sometime after 3 in the afternoon or only waking up when mum wakes me up to take me back to the hell known as boarding school...


Do you ever read the name of a certain ship wrong and be like 'oh cool a new story for one of my ships' then you look at it again and you want to be smothered because you just added a book that has one of your notp' says the pairing? Because I do that a lot 


I think it's time to stop and think about your life when you realise that the reason you can't find any new stories for your ship is because you have already read all the ones currently made... This thought has been brought about because wattpad gave me some recommendations for books for Jean Hobbs based upon one of the ones I voted on (I always forget to vote on books, I'm such a horrible person I need to work on remembering to vote) and I already have read every single book it recommended ...


this message may be offensive
In other news I can't sleep which is why I decided to brave my wattpad library and I had crossed my legs, so my little shit of a dog got up from his spot of the other side of my bed, and sat right in front of my folded legs. YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE REST OF THIS OTHERWISE EMPTY DOUBLE BED KIPPY WHAT THE HELL