
Can I just say I miss my Teacher’s Pet cast lmaoo 


If there’s anything in my stories that seems offensive or “doesn’t sound right” pleaseeee let me know! I wrote these stories at an extremely young age and though I continue to update here and there I don’t re-read them, so please don’t be afraid to tell me if I’ve written something controversial or ignorant etc. When you comment on a part I’ll try my best to further explain what it means or change it as fast as I can. I’m a black writer and the last thing I want is to offend my readers. I consider you all friends and I want y’all to enjoy my stories 


this message may be offensive
Does anyone miss the old days when we were all obsessed with magcon and ogoc and all the boys like I know I grew out of it but like fuck take me back to the carefree days


@PapiLuh those really were the days


@PapiLuh  late as heck but......... FRICK YES