
Summer of You readers— 
          	hi pooks  
          	After thinking on it, I’ve decided that SoY is going to go byebye for a while. I’m just not vibing with the story. I feel like it doesn’t show my writing abilities and style like Treasure does and I’m just not feeling the fluffy smutless story right now (lol). Good news is that I can start working full time on another steamy project … ((((;;;;;
          	So… I’m sorry. And also, don’t hate me, cause you would’ve anyways at the ending. ;) 


@ PapSmeared  You are so lovely Pap, I will gladly wait until you maybe feel like taking it up again. And should you decide not to at all, I would love to hear it ;) I love the story. <3


@hardcandy92 I just love you sm (‘: THANK
          	  YOU! <3


@EdithLauin totally willing to share the ending if you want! <3 


Summer of You readers— 
          hi pooks  
          After thinking on it, I’ve decided that SoY is going to go byebye for a while. I’m just not vibing with the story. I feel like it doesn’t show my writing abilities and style like Treasure does and I’m just not feeling the fluffy smutless story right now (lol). Good news is that I can start working full time on another steamy project … ((((;;;;;
          So… I’m sorry. And also, don’t hate me, cause you would’ve anyways at the ending. ;) 


@ PapSmeared  You are so lovely Pap, I will gladly wait until you maybe feel like taking it up again. And should you decide not to at all, I would love to hear it ;) I love the story. <3


@hardcandy92 I just love you sm (‘: THANK
            YOU! <3


@EdithLauin totally willing to share the ending if you want! <3 


Hi angels <3 Quick weekend update before we get back to our shenanigans–
          I will be incredibly busy this coming week. So far this month, I've uploaded 20 chapters with over 70 THOUSAND words. I still have about 6 chapters to go this month. And maybe I've been writing a little, too. (oops)
          So, that being said, I won't have time for both stories. My focus will be on Treasure's weekly updates, and sadly, no update on SoY next weekend! This weekend will have a normal 3 chapter update. Sorry for any inconvenience!
          Love you bunches! xxxo, Pap <3


@PapSmeared I can't believe we have to wait to go to prom ;-; (kidding kidding lol). Good luck with your busy week and make sure to take time to rest!! <3


Happy Friday! We are halfway through Treasure! And *almost* half way through SoY! Yay! 
          Hi to all of my new followers and readers! <3 make sure to follow my IG and Tiktok for fun/special updates. Listed in bio. MWAH 
          Xxxo, Pap (: 


Peekaboo (; 
          Want a little taste of what’s next? Sneak-peek posted on Tiktok! @ papsmearedwattpad 
          The count down is on and I’m excited!!


@PapSmeared Congrats!! It's awesome! 


It was time to say good-b to the Kermit profile pic  but I thought it was only right to finally add a pic of Brinna ! Bandit 4 ever <3 


Farewell Kermit! You were loved. But a trash panda is always an excellent friend to replace with. ;) 