
Close contact for covid.... yay. 


If you haven’t already, check out my new rp POWER as usual garrenteed drama, mystery secrets. It’s got skills, powers timetable for optional events to increase skills and all about WINNING the crown, who needs love anyway?


I'm Back! Mainly because I had a wonderful selection rp idea and I want to do it! Hopefully everyone has been staying safe, if you need to talk message or even just to say hi! Want to catch up with people especially now my uni is over. Join my new book, powered. If it goes well will hopefully reboot the cursed and hopefully (Glares at you know who) someone won't kill an innocent child and main character.


@Pallano (♡˙︶˙♡)


Hey, we don't know each other, but I'm just stopping by to shower you with some love and to tell you that I admire your roleplaying skills, as well as your whole account. I would love to roleplay with you sometime!


@-hernosestuckinabook I'll have a look, depends what the rp is!


            I actually have a newish rp book that doesn't have so many characters in it yet, but I can tag you if you're interested


@-hernosestuckinabook Awww Thankyou!! Means a lot!  would love to roleplay with you too sometime! 


Hola! So I know you dont know me butttt i wanted to say hello, and maybe potentialy roleplay? Although thats totaly up to you! My name (the one i prefer) is jayden, but you can call me JJ jay whatever i dont mind hEh. It would mean the world to me since ngl i dont really talk to anyone on here. Anywho. Just lemme know!