
Hey all you wonderful people! Happy New Year! 
          	Guess what! Corbin is now on Amazon :)
          	It's free on KindleUnlimited plus I'm going to run a sale on it soon!
          	P.S. This is why I haven't been posting new chapters, but I promise there is more Watching Ella coming


Hey all you wonderful people! Happy New Year! 
          Guess what! Corbin is now on Amazon :)

          It's free on KindleUnlimited plus I'm going to run a sale on it soon!
          P.S. This is why I haven't been posting new chapters, but I promise there is more Watching Ella coming


Two things:
          1. My new goal is for Watching Ella to be updated with a new chapter every week (Thank-you for everyone's equal patience and excitement)
          2. I'm gone on a cruise this week (Hurray Bahamas)so although I'll be out of touch Corbin will be getting a big story board overhaul. Read the old version if you can so I know what to change.
          -Hopes, Prayers, and Best wishes