Officially finished school. Find myself feeling both happy and sad about the fact. But hey, that's life. Anyway, will drop something on this week or the next one, but starting Tuesday, won't probably have the time to write as much as I can. But after the 18th, will more than likely go into overdrive. 


Officially finished school. Find myself feeling both happy and sad about the fact. But hey, that's life. Anyway, will drop something on this week or the next one, but starting Tuesday, won't probably have the time to write as much as I can. But after the 18th, will more than likely go into overdrive. 


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Hey, guys, I have returned, and yeah, the trip was rather good, even if the last day sucked ass. But, yeah, not thinking about all that, now, I have another piece of news to share y'all:
          And so far, I feel like today is going to be a good day. Still, aside from this piece of information I decided to provide, there's another part to this announcement:
          I will try to drop something today. 
          Sadly, however, for my Kill la Kill fans, it's not the new chapter, as I'm still working on it. That something that I will drop is more so a trailer to the story I will make sooner rather than later, I hope. Here's a hint that might just tell you what the series I'm working on is:
          Just like today is my birthday, the title is connected to the 10th of April as well.