
          	This one's called "My TV's Trying to Kill Me!" It's about what we as Christians do and don't need to fill our minds with, and how setting standards for ourselves will help us serve God!


Honestly this is a super cool thing you’re doing and I’m glad there’s still people like y’all in the world 


@BEB273 Thank you! God's really helped make this something!  Maybe someday we'll get back into this. Right now I want to grow spiritually and not mess with teaching or doing PC stuff. So we're on hold right now.
            I'm glad you like it!


Hi, am still a little bit confused but I would like to be involved in conversations that build growing christans up to life changers. So if you could further explain, I'll truly appreciate. 


Maybe you misread something on our bio? I'm not really sure what you're referring to, But I think you're talking about our bio on RealTalk..
            Our book RealTalk is devoted to talking about real-life issues people deal with. It's a message/conversation book where we can talk about important things. We believe that talking about real issues teens face (sex, money, relationships, etc) can really help them grow in God and do His will-something that changes lives.
            Project Change in general comes from the idea that if we grow in God we can be WorldChangers, and so we teach biblical Christianity and help people grow spiritually any way we can! When we get real with God, we can change lives and change the world!
            Does that answer anything?


We have a new RealTalk! It's about.. um.. well... it's about politics. Actually, it's about parties, and corruption and Biblical Christianity... it's going to be a ride, even if just a short one.
          But not about Trump. I promise. I couldn't handle that RealTalk. That's just... just too much. Just no.
          Check it out, it's shorter than usual, and make sure to comment and tell me what you think!


Wwwwooooo! Another project out! Meet Apostolic Christians in Training Services!
           While this book is specifically written to strengthen Apostolic Spirit-filled believers in doctrine, anyone is welcome to read it and take part of some of our services! If learning what we believe and learning how to give bible studies is something you're interested in, come check it out!