
Please don't expect because the girl wrote a chapter that this account will be back. RIP Kyle and Ewan


November 12th 2015
          Hello from the other side. I must've called 1000 times. To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done. Hello from the outside. At least I can see that I've tried. To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart.
          ~that's the best way to explain it. i miss you boys=) i know you're in a good place now. Love you guys


Okay guys. Those that were playing guess the lyric... Kyle left a message saying that he wants us to carry it on. But I know that some of you may not want it to carry on because of the memory of him. What does everyone think?? I'm really stuck with what to do. It's what he wanted, but it's painful :-( thoughts needed