


I'm going to stop writing here.
          I came here because there's a user on wattpad that I care about, so I made an account in hopes that he might be writing about me as I am writing about him.
          Though I have not followed him, he doesn't even know I have a user account here.
          Funny, huh?
          He did not write about me.
          And in return I deleted Midnight Blues, since it was the story of our relationship that ended too soon. 
          To the guys out there who found the right girl, fight for her. She's the one that you'll think about even if you ended up with someone else.
          To the girls, stay strong. Love the guy that treats you right. 
          To the guy that broke my heart, where ever you are in this world. I wish you happiness and joy. 


@bookishbyte Thank you, it's so kind of you to say. Time heals all wounds you're right, and I'm doing just fine by trying not to think about it and keeping busy. I appreciate your comment, it made my day <3


@teeayania I hope you are okay. Try your best to stay strong. It is the only advice one can give. Hope time erases all the hurts and leaves behind just memories. PM me if you need to talk. 