I actually have homework to do but nah 👁👄👁👄👁👄

I have an obsession with saying 'bro' I'm sorry✋😔

Shrek and Panda if you're reading this, hmu🥰

My profile I stole from (and we be matching ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) @_ABeautifulNigthmare

Grandma (also writes really good fics but still hasn't updated 🤚🙄🙄🙄🙄) @paralleluniversc

And just go follow Brea cuz she's so sweet and gives the best advice 👁💧👄💧👁 @Skittlesandhorror
  • stealing your cookies
  • SumaliFebruary 17, 2019

Huling Mensahe

3 Mga Reading List