
I’m at the point in my book where I actually have to take time to figure out what I’m going to write. Chapters may be much later than usual but I’m working nonetheless, I’ll try and get them out as fast as I can 


@ObsidianSentinel your doing great  take your time 


@skies_garden you’re so understanding I could just take u and put u in my pocket lol, sometimes I be feeling like I’m talking to a brick wall on this app! As long as they seen the message tho I guess. 
          	  I always know you’re going to respond tho and literally that makes me so happy for some reason! 


I’m at the point in my book where I actually have to take time to figure out what I’m going to write. Chapters may be much later than usual but I’m working nonetheless, I’ll try and get them out as fast as I can 


@ObsidianSentinel your doing great  take your time 


@skies_garden you’re so understanding I could just take u and put u in my pocket lol, sometimes I be feeling like I’m talking to a brick wall on this app! As long as they seen the message tho I guess. 
            I always know you’re going to respond tho and literally that makes me so happy for some reason! 


Anyone would like to follow me on instagram? 
          I may take random breaks from Wattpad and since they’re removing the private messages you all can just hit me up there for anything. 
          It’s my actual private instagram (real life me, lol) you can get to know me outside of just my writing! 


If so text me privately. Today is the last day before they remove the feature. 


I’ve been crying all week.
          From family, to boys, to thinking about life. Every time you feel like everything is going to be okay, something always proves otherwise. 
          Now I asked my sister a while back if she was coming to my graduation and she said yes. Now it’s ‘Oh I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it. My brother graduates the same days as you and I put money into his.’
          I don’t want to be a selfish person bc really it’s unfair to her brother if she doesn’t go, but what about me? I always come up last and I’m just supposed to act like it’s all okay. 
          At this point I don’t even care if no one shows up. It’s just disappointing bc when it comes to everyone else no one even has to question if Leah is going to be there. You just kno. 


@skies_garden ik it’s just that my problem is that I except things from ppl who ik not to expect things from. I’ll be okay. Knowing that my parents will be there and one of my best friends as well makes it okay. 


Sorry im responding so late, i didn’t know what to say at first because its honestly hard to put in words.
            But i wanted to say im soo sorry that this is happening to you, ik it’s not easy. i personally know how it is and its honestly heartbreaking; (sorry for little vent) i know first hand of how that disappointment is, when someone makes a plan, but then end up coming out as a disappointment, kind of makes you feel unwanted. it’s disheartening to know this is happening to you, but just know that everything is going to be okay soon. 


I’m thinking about changing the update schedule for Obsidian Hearts. 
          Twice a week instead of three times.
          Once every Wednesday and then once Saturday instead of Sunday. 
          I want to change it to Saturday because for me Sunday is the Lords day and on that day I want to disconnect myself from all things that aren’t related with him. 
          The only real difference is you’ll be getting two chapters a week instead of three. 
          We’ll start this new schedule next week. 
          Love everyone and happy Sunday!! 


I’m definitely not going to college, like I’m already broke. What’s the point of being  broker, stressed, in debt, and sleep deprived?!! 
          Not doing it! This high school diploma is it for me, take it or leave it. 
          Nobody wants to really talk about it but when you really look at it all these fancy ass degrees get you n.o.t.h.i.n.g! Unless you kno people! I’m sure there are plenty of people who think otherwise but baby it’s hard to get a job nowadays even with a degree. 
          I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not going to be able to afford everything that I want in life and that’s fine… I’ll just fine me a sugar daddy!! :) 
          Anyways that’s the end of my little rant.


So realll as always like why walk and do all the work when I can be a lovely little house wife 


you are sooo right friend! 
            and the stress of committing whew! good luck to my cousin that’s doing that. but rtn im just doing a CC to lower my anxiety cause uni is tewww much and they raised student loan HELL NO! a CC will do! i’m just getting my AS just in case. 


@ObsidianSentinel as an older adult that eatned two degrees, you are correct. The degrees don't guarantee I make more. The experience I had in college, I would do that all over again... but perhaps for free and not take out as many loans. If you want to learn a trade or skill, a few classes here or there can get you in position to earn more. My sister has a degree in education, taught a few years, hated it then got a random job. She worked her way up, got certifications not related to her degree and makes over $200K, something she would have never hit as a teacher


Wattpad got one more time to sign me tf out!!!


On my soul cus why tf every time I get on I gotta log in 


@ObsidianSentinel ughhh literally same it’s soo frustrating 


hey pookie, hope you’re doing well?!
          remember to always to stay hydrated and drink water!! and have meal or snack!! 


I am doing well thank you ☺️ I just got my hair did so I’m feeling good, looking like a bad bitch! I wish I could show y’all! 
            Also I’ve been trying to eat at least three times  a day… I’ll let you know if that works out, lol