
Bro I just got sapnap cheese it's from Walmart! I've been kinda busy lately so I literally didn't even know he had them but I was just in the store and I saw them. It has like an animated version of irl sapnap on one side and an animated version of his Minecraft skin on the other and it's so cool oml (I know I'm probably kinda late on this but let me have my fun)


@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj it’s ok i didn’t know either


Bro I just got sapnap cheese it's from Walmart! I've been kinda busy lately so I literally didn't even know he had them but I was just in the store and I saw them. It has like an animated version of irl sapnap on one side and an animated version of his Minecraft skin on the other and it's so cool oml (I know I'm probably kinda late on this but let me have my fun)


@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj it’s ok i didn’t know either


          Are you a part of the LGBTQIA+ community??
          Have you heard of project 2025?
          Have you heard that if Trump gets elected as president, you can be denied a job because you are LGBTQIA+?
          Please copy this message and post on someone else's board, your own, text it to your friends, anything. 
          This project entails much more than this, so please look into it and become more educated on the subject if possible
          This also means a no more abortions 
          That means even if you're raped you have to carry the baby and give birth to them even though that should be your choice 
          And if you do get an illegal abortion, your sentence could be more than a rapists. Assuming they get caught because let's be honest, they barely do.
          Please spread the word 
          (I got this from @RileyTheIdiot)
          I hope you all have a wonderful pride month, and remember to be careful and stay safe if you go to any parades and have some fun for me:)


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@readnextto_riverss yeah, like they're both kinda shit options but if you look at all the SA allegations, him saying that if his daughter wasn't biologically his that he'd date her, transphobia and homophobia against Trump, Biden is a better option in my opinion


@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj yeahhh hopefully some people who are voting for him just cuz they dont want biden will change their minds bc at least biden isnt a criminal smh


@readnextto_riverss fr bro, but with his voters who basically worship him I don't think it'll do much sadly


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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! I'm so ready to be even more gay as FUCK because I can :). Also happy birthday Technoblade!


@Acai400 AHH I'm so happy you get to do that! Stay safe:)


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Look all im saying is that if my parents don't want me to "act like the parent to my siblings" then they should be better fucking parents, and it's not just me who's had to parent "their kids" it's my older sister, my older brother, my younger sister and I who've had to parent all of us like at this point they barely have the right to call themselves our parents let alone good ones


@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj that’s lovely, I plan on moving to England as well, in a few years, maybe we’ll meet up, unlikely but still lol


@1MLBM2 non taken, they are pretty shitty parents (definitely not the worst ones in the world so I'm very thankful for that) but that and a few other family members making me uncomfortable and being rude along with my parents being shitty is the reason why I plan on moving far away (preferably to Brighton England)


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@Nsjdjfjduudidjfjfj no offence, but your parents seem to suck, like, a lot, and your little brother seems like a little bitch, once again, no offence


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So my parents changed the fucking WiFi password and made a new one for my two younger siblings and I (my older siblings don't live with us and my youngest brother isn't even two yet) that they can turn off whenever the fuck they please so now the entire fucking house (aside from our parents bedroom and maybe they're bathroom) has to be clean every morning or the WiFi is off until it's clean and they'll turn it off if we're not doing everything they ask like we have to watch the baby but of can my younger brother (who's 11) is a slacker but gets away with it so he doesn't have to watch the baby and does barely any chores so it'll probably just be up to my little sister and I. Anyway sorry if I don't respond to you right away. Thank you for listening to my rant lovelys


@liviscoolol yeah, I mean I've seen way more strict like my friend couldn't wear rings for a while and he's 17 and still doesn't have a phone number so I'm just glad they aren't as strict as absolutely possible