
My obsession with Tom Holland has led to an obsession with Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and I now ship Evans x Downey


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You know sometimes the world hates me, like getting up this morning was a total flop. I left my purse, forgot to make lunch so I only have frozen yogurt and poptarts, and the discord server I'm in is wack. I need some new friends. My cult is dying out. Can someone pm me, I just really need to talk to someone that doesn't know me. Also I'm going to have to watch everything around me and make sure I'm doing my fucking best, so I don't get on the tea page for my school. I'm failing math cuz the teacher is ass, and I can't ask him for help because he doesn't fucking like me because whenever he fucks me or someone in the class over I tell him off. I tried to get out of my fucking depression but it's eating me up whole. But the worst part of all of this is that my punishment for being life's mistake is pretending everything is ok. Like I used to be so happy because all of you Wattpad people made meso happy but my mom said that I'm using Wattpad to escape my sadness so I can only use it at certain times. Like God can someone please help me. I just don't know what to do.


@dekusquad_goals  thank you beautiful person


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@dekusquad_goals *Hugs* I WISH YOU FOREVER ICE CREAM AND HUGS!!! IM SLRRY YOUR DAY HAS BEEN ASS BUT I HOPE IT GETS BETTER!!!! THE DAYS WILL GET BETTER AND WHEN YOU ARE READY GO OUT THERE AND SLAP LIFE IN THE FACR AND THE FUCK I T IN THE A S S BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!! Also I’m sorry for your cult ;-; it’s a sad time when cults die! AND FUCK YOUR MATH TEACHER WITH HIS MICKY MOUSE LOOKING ASS!!! I hope you feel better.. if I could I’d send you all the UwU Kermit memes in the world!! ❤️❤️❣️❣️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️❤️❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️❤️❣️❣️❤️❣️❣️


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@dekusquad_goals I'm gonna pretend I'm fine today just fucked me up