
I apologize for the lack of posting. My family's been having health issues here and there, so that's been priority for me as of late. My latest post in Cooking With Sho-chan isn't very long, so I"m sorry about that. I will try my best to post another chapter in the near future.


I apologize for the lack of posting. My family's been having health issues here and there, so that's been priority for me as of late. My latest post in Cooking With Sho-chan isn't very long, so I"m sorry about that. I will try my best to post another chapter in the near future.


Chapter One of the GAMER has been published. I'm eventually planning on making it Nino/OC. I have the ideas in my head, but the execution is pretty difficult. I've actually been working on this story the hardest (been writing this one since June)...


The first chapter of Cooking With Sho-chan is published. It's got Sakumoto in it. The second chapter will include Nino~ But, after working on chapter one all night and half of today, I'm taking a break before releasing another chapter. (I have started it though)