
Working on TD oneshots today. Will update scenarios too later.


Hey guys!
          So I currently only have one job now since I resigned from the crisis center (I’m still a social worker), but I also wanted to let you know that I’m now officially in the MSW program! <3 it starts in a few months and I got my acceptance letter two days ago.
          So I’m going to find the time to update TD preferences at least since I’ve been busy with work. I just wanted to let you know also that I’m still interested in this but it’s hard finding a work-life balance. But I’ll try my best. 


Hi guys.
          So I’m still working a lot of 12 hour shifts at the crisis center, but as soon as I start my other job, I’m only going to be switching to part time at the crisis center (20 hours a week) and my new full time job will just be 8-5pm. My new full time job should be less demanding. 
          I’m hoping once I get a start date for my new job, I’ll be able to update more. I know I’ll be working two jobs, but one of them is just graveyard shift. 
          I really miss being on here.


Hi guys!
          I’m sorry again for being so busy. My job at the crisis center requires me to work 12 hour shifts and I’m in the process of requesting for part time there since I got offered ANOTHER social work job that offers a more financially stable salary. So I might be working two jobs. 
          I don’t exactly want to discontinue my work yet because I still am into total drama. I just need to find a way to manage my time since my MSW application is already submitted.
          I will post an update if anything. Maybe I might only update TD scenarios for now. 


@NoahsWittyTales YOUR LIFE COMES BEFORE WATTPAD* omg I’m so tired


@NoahsWittyTales don’t worry! Take as much time as you need, your life becomes Wattpad


Hey, don’t worry!
            We’ll be waiting for you when you come back!
            (I’m juggling ten applications a week and two jobs that refuse to give me working hours, I completely get you).
            Prioritise rest, and I hope you get the job! :)