
Hello wattpaders come check out my new story.


Hey everyone  hope you all are staying safe in this health crisis and protecting yourself and family. I just finish edifying T.O.Y. so please go and check out the new revise edition.
          I am also doing edits on my other stories as well as working on a few more books which is apart of a series.
          Please let me know what you all think by commenting on the respective book of your liking. Thank you all for your support. 


          I would like to apologize to you for any grammatical errors you have encountered in my stories. They are not edited as yet and I am also doing my updates  via phone. Bare in mind that I am also an amateur writer gaining my experience on here.
          Will do my best to go through them  and make the necessary changes where applicable.
          Where reading you come up on errors make a note of it and I will fix it asap.
           Thank you for your understanding  and feel free to let me know if any of you wish to edit anyone of my stories thank you in advance.