
Hey guys! Okay so I've felt like I've been really MIA on Wattpad and I haven't been as interactive with the author's notes and what not since I did the Beauty and the Beast story. I've just recently noticed that it's made it onto the charts for the fantasy category and I want to say how grateful I am for all of my readers. You guys are seriously the best and my story wouldn't be what it is now without you all (as corny as that sounds). Also a special thank you to mutiaraelwa for the beautiful book cover, I never would've imagined someone actually making something for my story. It's weird to think I just started writing this book out of the blue two years ago, and I am so thankful for how far it had come. You guys are amazing. I've been working on a new story, Lost My Shadow (the title will probably change), and I would really love it if you guys could check it out and give me some feedback. It's something I've been trying to figure out and write for a while now and I'm sincerely excited to be doing it. To my current readers, thank you so much for reading and supporting my stories and I hope you enjoy my other works. To new readers, I hope you like what you read and will inspire you to read more or even write. Happy reading!


Hi, so this book of yours an 'imperfect beauty and her beast' was really good. You are such a good writer so it's a little request of mine to you that can you please write a book about a human girl who falls in love with a boy who is a ghost and stays on earth cause he's lost or just feels incomplete and all. I tried finding something like this but I found nothing. The book can show the slow friendship and trust and all. I hope you like this idea.... :)


This is a really great idea! I've actually had a list of ideas I've been trying to write but I've had a lot of writers block and lack of time to do so. But I honestly do love this idea and will try to write it. It will need some time to develop but I'd like to give it a go. Thank you for liking and supporting my book and I hope I can do your idea justice :) 


hi! i just finished reading your book The imperfect beauty and her beast and absolutly loved it! i would love if you recommended me a book maybe similar to it that i could enjoy as much. if possible not one of thos series with 5 book where authors are trying to make it as long as possible with unnecessary stuff. thanks :)


@ adeangela  thank you! i'll read it now


@adeangela Hello! I'm so happy you liked my book and I would love to recommend similar stories. My personal favorite is Belladonna and the Beast. If you want any more recommendations, I'd be happy to suggest others as well. I hope you enjoy!