
Hello again, my dear fans! :) I have updated The Hidden Princess! Yes! The awfully long awaited chapter has been uploaded. I have also tweaked parts of chapter one (adding more detail and whatnot) so be sure to read that if you've forgotten what's even happening in the story. You don't have to reread it to understand the next chapter, though. Enjoy and comment, rate, etc.! Thanks! :) Nico.


Hello again, my dear fans! :) I have updated The Hidden Princess! Yes! The awfully long awaited chapter has been uploaded. I have also tweaked parts of chapter one (adding more detail and whatnot) so be sure to read that if you've forgotten what's even happening in the story. You don't have to reread it to understand the next chapter, though. Enjoy and comment, rate, etc.! Thanks! :) Nico.


Serious? Let's see?  A former porn star so devoted to helping poor Africans at the mission school that everybody loves her, but she's mortally wounded in the end. A woman born into brutal slavery in first-century Palestine.  A King's daughter devastated by her half brother.  A girl rejects her 1960's self indulgence.  Hmmm, you know?  I think I agree with you.
          Good to see you have someone to work with.  I am moving on now.  Thanks.


Hey, I woke with one less fan than when I went to bed.  But it's best to move on if you feel uncomfortable.  If you suspect I am a bit old, you’re right.  One give away is that we are so verbal.  
          My Peace Corps story is set where I served as a teacher in my idealistic youth and contains a love scene likely too graphic for your tastes………………….However, I think you might love my novel Songs for Tamar,  daughter of King David and sister of Absalom.  Tamar got a raw deal in real life, and unsatisfied with history, I reach out, giving her a better ending in fiction  and hope that God did even better for her than the Bible lets us know about her..
          I hope you find someone here to work more closely with you and good luck.


@TerryP Oh...umm I think that was an accident. But it's ok. I'll look at some of your stories and see if their my kind of stories. If they're not I'm sure they're very well written anyways. And please don't be offended if I unfan (Ahh! I don't know a nicer word sorry) because I think I should only fan authors whose stories are of my tastes. Again I'm sure your stories are wel written