
Hey guys! I just posted a new short story. It's alternate history, something I've never tried to write before (sorry, there's no romance in this one!). It's called Kadavergehorsam and marries fiction with real events. In this case, the Halifax explosion.


Hey guys! I just posted a new short story. It's alternate history, something I've never tried to write before (sorry, there's no romance in this one!). It's called Kadavergehorsam and marries fiction with real events. In this case, the Halifax explosion.


Hi everyone, I know I keep saying I'll get back to The Jock and the Fat Chick and I will. I've been noodling around chapter rewrites in my head, it's just getting a second to rewrite. The 3-day novel writing contest I did in early Sept, the current book launch for TT: Full Throttle, polishing my next manuscript for my agent and holding down a full-time job at the hospital (bossing docs and nursing around - haha) has me going day and night. Also on the top of my list is catching up on some of the fun stories on Wattpad too!


Hi everyone,
          I'll get back to The Jock and the Fat Chick story soon, I swear! 
          I've been busy getting ready for the annual 3-Day Novel Writing Contest which begins tonight at midnight and ends Monday at midnight. Three days, the honour system and nothing but me vs. the page. The goal: 28,000-35,000 words. Sure, it's extreme, but like the Isle of Man TT Races, the motivation behind participating in this grueling event isn't about the prize money, it's about testing my mental and physical limits. The high I feel after accomplishing the goal of writing a 'dawg's breakfast' draft of a new novel is like no other and it lasts for weeks. If you're interested in seeing what I'm up to, or how I'm getting on during the next three days, I'll be posting tweets and updates on my blog: 
          I hope you all have an awesome holiday weekend. 


Hi everyone, I just posted the first half of Chapter Two to The Jock and the Fat Chick. I do have a question about it, which you'll read at the end of the installment. I won't say what the question is here as I want you to read what I've written the way it is first. You'll see what I mean when you get to the end. As always, your feedback is most welcome. Cheers.