I would like to be writer, its always been a dream of mine to do so.
I'm a huge Nerdfighter, Whovaian, Sherlockian, and Christian.
I love to read, and am open to all suggestions that anybody give me.
I put a lot of my personality into my characters, and yet I try to keep myself out of it. I promise, I'm working on taking myself out. But that's what this site if for, right? To figure out what kind of author you are. In order to do so, I need feedback. I take these stories really seriously when I post them, and I always try my best to finish them.
Facts of life:
Elf princes will always be hotter than any other creature. Yes, that does mean I've had a crush on Legolas since I first saw the movie when I was, like, four.
Vampires don't sparkle, they burn, we live in the real world. P.S, if your actors hate themselves for acting what they've acted out, you've officially written a book and script wrong.
Gingers are great, get over it.
Werewolves are hot, nobody knows why, they just are.
And lastly, “Nerd girls are the world’s most underutilized romantic resource. And guys, do not tell me that nerd girls are not hot because that shows a Paris Hilton-esque failure to understand hotness.” -John Green.
DFTBA everybody, and I will see you on Sunday...which is when I post...usually... If not, you have my permission to turn into a giant squid of anger. I won't be mad. I promise.
  • Abraham Lincoln's brithplace
  • JoinedApril 28, 2013

Story by Nerdfighter314
The Impossible Possibility by Nerdfighter314
The Impossible Possibility
Ireland Hill has had a fairly easily life, at least that's what she believes... up 'til now. Things start cha...