
Two new chapters of Say I'm Yours out now! Enjoy and don't forget to vote, I'd appreciate it! (:


100K views for IWRY!!!! I have no words, thank you to everyone who read, voted, commented and loved the story!! I’m so grateful to all of you ♥️what an milestone 


@NikNakDub apparentlyyyyyy sis!! I appreciate your role in making it what it was too! ♥️


Rank up the votes for the last two chapters of Say I'm Yours ya'll!! And if you haven't read them yet, PLEASE GO READ AND VOTE & COMMENT! Much appreciated 


@ashleypatricea no the story is still ongoing, I meant last as in most recent chapters love. We’re not even half way through yet 


@NefieBolin Is that the last two and it's over?


WOW! I Will Remember You is #1 for a third time !! Thank all of you who read and follow ♥️ 


@NefieBolin I know I told you this a few times, but I love that story.


Congratulations will deserved 


Hi loves! 
          Say I’m Yours is complete and will return in March! I am already outlining the final book in the series so stay tuned for more updates! ♥️


I can't waiiiitttt for I will neva forget you. So glad you are continuing it!! You ATE downn on I will remember you (the emotions you me FEELING + That ending on the epilogue, girl i wonder if that was Spencer), so excited to see whats in store for the  SEQUELLLLL. Love your writing.


Hello new reader! I’m glad you’ve been reading IWRY and will tune in for the rest of the series! Feel free to check out my other books listed! Thank you so much and I appreciate the support ♥️


Hi loves! Happy New Year! Announcement time and I'm going with bad news first
          Firstly it is with great sadness that I have to say my time as an spelivia writer is coming to an end....Say I'm Yours will be my last story for ya'll....I know I'm upset by this too....I know this is upsetting but it's whats best for me....JUST KIDDING!! Be honest, how many of you really believed the first part? Got ya good ;) But no, I'm not quitting ya'll, I've tried and it's nearly an impossible task for me soo, guess your stuck with me for an little while longer. 
          SO, bad news is, after some thoughtful consideration, I have made some decisions on certain stories that have been unpublished and two of them are coming back and the other two will not. The two that I will not be continued are 1)If loving you is wrong, and 2)Foreva Love and my reason why is because the inspo and the plot has been lost on me for awhile and I don't have the mental capacity to try to get it back after so long. I also am dedicating this year to focus on my novel from the short story I submitted earlier last year and need to lighten my load. There's an chance I could revamp and revive them at an later date, but for now, they will be discontinued. The two that will be getting finished are: 
          1) Lace, lips & loyalty 
          2) I will neva forget you
          I don't know when they will be published but once I finish up the say you series, I will have time to focus on them. First priority will be finishing up the say you series then once that's complete, next story in the lineup will be LL&L, then the sequel to I will remember you.  Will update you as I go! I have 6 chapters left of SIY to write so update coming soon for that and possibly new one shots. Feel free to DM me(with respect) with questions or leave your thoughts here for us to talk! I thank you all in advance for your love and support of me always (:
          Nefie ❤️


@NefieBolin so I will neva forget you havent come out yet


@NefieBolin Whew! I was about to have a FIT! But always support youz especially doing what you need to do for you! Excited about the book (!) And LL&L omg! Thank you for the update and looking forward to allllllll the things! 


@NefieBolin Whew! I was about to have a FIT! But always support youz especially doing what you need to do for you! Excited about the book (!) And LL&L omg! Thank you for the update and looking forward to allllllll the things! 


Good morning loves! 
          Got an update/announcement coming very soon! Stay tuned ! 
          Happy Saturday ❤️