
I miss the old wattpad, this is weird. 
          	I’m not sure I’m back to writing, although I am reading my old fanfics and man I’m better than I thought. 
          	Hi! If you forgot who I was, I used to be a chronic fanfic author turned ghost. Past few years have been… evil at best. A little bit about my current life: I can no longer walk and I’m trying to raise money for a wheelchair so if any of you guys are up to sharing or giving that’d be neat. If you don’t, that’s neat too. 
          	As a little incentive though… I MAY start writing soon and I’ll be able to write a lot sooner if I could actually get around in a wheelchair ;). I’m kidding, don’t give me money if you don’t want to. 


I miss the old wattpad, this is weird. 
          I’m not sure I’m back to writing, although I am reading my old fanfics and man I’m better than I thought. 
          Hi! If you forgot who I was, I used to be a chronic fanfic author turned ghost. Past few years have been… evil at best. A little bit about my current life: I can no longer walk and I’m trying to raise money for a wheelchair so if any of you guys are up to sharing or giving that’d be neat. If you don’t, that’s neat too. 

          As a little incentive though… I MAY start writing soon and I’ll be able to write a lot sooner if I could actually get around in a wheelchair ;). I’m kidding, don’t give me money if you don’t want to. 


Honestly I’m not even in the HP fandom properly anymore because JK is an insensitive and offensive ‘people pleaser’. However I’m in love with my own characters and the way that you can make a story your own through fanfic so HP is my adopted child and I have a restraining order against Rowling. Sound? Sound. 


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
I must have been about a year clean and then I have to go and fuck it all up 


@CharaKatana no. This is self-inflicted 


@Naldi- Oh no. It's not the coughing is it?


@CharaKatana I relapsed. Not really. 


22 hours without food. Food I had 22 hours ago made me throw up. Technically 27 hours since I had food. I hate the holidays. 


@CharaKatana lemme spell it out. a b u s i v e   f a t h e r   w h o   i   a m    t e r r i f i e d   o f 


@Naldi- I’m so sorry! But still, your body needs water as much as it needs food, if not even more. You should seek help from a friend or a relative you trust; what your family does is NOT okay. Take care of yourself, and I really hope that you’ll find the love you deserve. ❤️ 