
New story is up! It’s a collaboration. An rp I’m doing on amino. It’s a vampire story but I hope you enjoy it! It may be a bit different from my normal work but I still hope you like it!


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Dudes while you wait for my irregular uploads go read kidnapped by @williambenett69 it’s a great fucking story. I’ve read it so many times and it’s actually one of the fanfics that made me want to write. Seriously it’s awesome go read it you won’t regret it!


Chapters on patient A will become longer soon enough when they become actual POVs but as for right now they’re only logs to speed up the story to the juicy parts. As you can guess while Anti was very young not much happens but don’t worry we’ll get to those sinful parts soon enough!


Hiya, I've been reading your stories for a while. I love how much imagination you have. Also, don't be worried if you have lack of inspiration just take that as a chance to relax for a while. Oh and also if ya ever want to talk or rp feel free to ask! I just wanted to say that


@xxUrMinexx it ok I’m normally off and on


@xxUrMinexx also sorry for the late response I'm usually more active on the weekdays 


@xxUrMinexx don't fret then. Inspiration comes randomly and can even give you an amazing idea out of the blue. Oh really? Okay, let me just hA. Find out how to do it 


Sorry for the lack of chapters lately but I’ve been highly unmotivated. I ain’t quitting but I don’t want to upload shitty chapters. I’ll try to post soon but I don’t know. In all fairness I have been incredibly wrapped up in a rp lately which I’ve been invested so much in. If anyone’s interested in rp‘ ing with me then don’t be afraid to ask. ( rp that I do is mark and jack egos and make stories with them in any fashion.) but again I will try and post but I won’t post something which is bad and will ruin the story. That said have a good day. 


I have two ideas. One is where the book continues for a while longer with the main plot being about the king or I could just have a somewhat nice ending to the book after a few chapters. What would be better?


@ demonNoodle  there's no need to bury your plot idea if it's really good. 


There’s an extra plot with the king but I’m unsure wether to add it in case people want the book to end soon


@ demonNoodle   like these two deserves a nice happy ending, but I think that another idea might be really interesting 


Alright y’all this sort of a big question. I want to write more patient A stuff but I don’t know if y’all would rather have a separate book (which would be shorter and/or may have a kitten section too) or have the main book longer but have the A and kitten chapters mixed in with it. I would write the A/kitten book after this one finishes and I will still have the odd chapter in the book but if y’all just want them in this book then there will probably be fewer A and kitten chapters. It’s voting time bois. 


@ demonNoodle  then I'm totally agree with that idea :D


 Yeh because dark and anti won’t have met yet and anti will still be with Jacob or just escaped him 


@ demonNoodle  a separate book for the backstory sounds like a good idea. 
            Is it going to be a prequel in a way? 


For the next chapter I don’t know wether it should be a fluff or smut. What do y’all think? 


@ demonNoodle  well since Dark wanted to have fun so badly it can be smut(if you haven't already decided when it's gonna happen while Anti's not himself)
            Or what if Anti's get his memory back right at the end of the smut? Like he's gonna be really angry but too exhausted to do anything.
            Or it could be peaceful and fluffy and maybe later Dark's gonna have his fun with Anti