
Damn 2021 is almost ending and it's been some years since this account had been made. Sometimes I go here to look at my drafts and then settle into that nostalgic feeling as I remember what sort of a person I was back then. Well, glad to say that I AM STILL THAT PERSON (heck yeah) and yes this is the half-year visit to my profile and I would like to see if anyone is still using wattpad. If u see this, reply to this message and say something, anything (sAy sOmeThiNg i'm giVinG uP oN yOuuU). 
          	some stuff: 
          	I am also wondering if this is "the time" I should write something, whether it be for myself or for others because Wattpad is about writing. And yes maybe it had corrupted significantly in the years I was not present in this account, but Wattpad at its core is about writing and creating things, and it is that aspect that had drawn me to this site in the first place. I hope that soon, may it be in the far future or tomorrow, when I visit this profile again, I would read this message and gain the motivation to resurrect this dead account and finally write something. That the same joy that possessed me to start up this account in the first place would come back and help me move on from this era of decay and lethargy.
          	Speaking of which, wow I've already written this message so that means that technically I have written something (LETS GO). i can now leave this account in peace- (jk unless)


Damn 2021 is almost ending and it's been some years since this account had been made. Sometimes I go here to look at my drafts and then settle into that nostalgic feeling as I remember what sort of a person I was back then. Well, glad to say that I AM STILL THAT PERSON (heck yeah) and yes this is the half-year visit to my profile and I would like to see if anyone is still using wattpad. If u see this, reply to this message and say something, anything (sAy sOmeThiNg i'm giVinG uP oN yOuuU). 
          some stuff: 
          I am also wondering if this is "the time" I should write something, whether it be for myself or for others because Wattpad is about writing. And yes maybe it had corrupted significantly in the years I was not present in this account, but Wattpad at its core is about writing and creating things, and it is that aspect that had drawn me to this site in the first place. I hope that soon, may it be in the far future or tomorrow, when I visit this profile again, I would read this message and gain the motivation to resurrect this dead account and finally write something. That the same joy that possessed me to start up this account in the first place would come back and help me move on from this era of decay and lethargy.
          Speaking of which, wow I've already written this message so that means that technically I have written something (LETS GO). i can now leave this account in peace- (jk unless)


check ur dms bozo




@Mystical_Oreo i read that as touchy-


Its been a while... If I made a book ( I have already written 2 decent chapters) would u guys read it?