
Just released my new story! Go check it out!


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hello there! I know I'm a little late but anyways, I'm here to give you my opinion about Awake and Unafraid, Asleep or Dead and Famous Last Words. well, can I just say that was one of the best stories I had ever read? bc seriously, you're awesome! I'm in love!!! and I know it's not really good to tell people the bad sides of things but I feel like I should do it. I told you I really really really like the story but they were so short it made me mad when I finished reading. dude, I wanted more!!! and I know I'm fucking no one but I also feel the urge to tell you that your writing is very vague sometimes, I'm sorry. I think you should work on putting more details and paying attention to what you write. I'm VERY sorry if this makes you upset or mad at me, I just felt like I should say it. and I know they may be just fics and don't really matter that much but I'm telling you all this so you can be even better. again, your story was one of the bests I ever read, do not stop writing!!!! it was seriously amazing and I feel like I'd read anything you ever post. XOXO


THank you so love, and yes, keep in mind that I wrote that piece in 7th grade, so it sucks ass. I love the kind words and thank you for the criticism. Don't apologize for it because it means a lot. I love you thank you so much. If you wanna read a better story, you should check out my most recent one. It has a French title ❤️❤️ much love xox -zero 