
Demise Aftermath shall be published by the end of today, hopefully. Just need to draw up the illustrations. Apologies for the long wait! I've tried my best to make almost all the hermits present, though these are the main ships:
          	- Rendoc
          	- Biffsuma
          	- Fress
          	- Grumbo (Minor)
          	- Tangpulse (Minor)
          	Part of the reason why it took so long was I originally planned for a 4000 word story, and it has reached 8000+. Apologies in advance!


Demise Aftermath shall be published by the end of today, hopefully. Just need to draw up the illustrations. Apologies for the long wait! I've tried my best to make almost all the hermits present, though these are the main ships:
          - Rendoc
          - Biffsuma
          - Fress
          - Grumbo (Minor)
          - Tangpulse (Minor)
          Part of the reason why it took so long was I originally planned for a 4000 word story, and it has reached 8000+. Apologies in advance!


Demise Aftermath is still being worked on, it's been exam week for the past few weeks and everything has become a little hectic in where I live due to the Corona Virus. I sincerely apologies for the long wait, and after everything settles back down again, I'm hoping the schedules will be back on track. 
          Demise Aftermath will be one of my first stories featuring alot of hermits, so  I'm trying to really polish up the work. 
          Also, Season 6 is ending for many hermits, but I've still have plenty of oneshots planned for that duration. So just a heads up that Season 7 oneshots wouldn't come as quickly as you would expect, but they would be adding to the long list of ideas!
          Thank you for reading, have a great day.