
Oh my gosh, yay! I have my stuff back on my phone! Now I can be on here more often! :) 


Hey Man, Sorry for not talking to ya, I was busy with life stuff, trying to get through my senior year is somewhat hard, mostly because of the teachers I have, so what have you been doing lately? how have ya been?


@TheToxicMuffin no problem! 
            I'm so glad to hear. ^u^ 
            Yeah I can do that, besides I love doing Beastly Bear x C.P.N stuff. :3
            I'll get to it now. :3


Thanks. .7.
            Good. :) I'm doing well and no, I haven't, I have been a few coughing fits here or there but nothing as bad as before. :3
            Sure, umm, could you make a reference for C.P.N with some of the new stuff I put to her and maybe a cool ship pic? .3. If you can handle that. :T


@TheToxicMuffin it's fine Mia, I'm just glad to see your alright. :3
            I've been doing my usual stuff, drawing, writing, etc. 
            I've been good, trying to balance my high school stuff with my other stuff is kind of hard though but I can work around that. You? Have you been having those symptoms again? lately? Oh, and I've missed making stuff for people, so, can I make something for you?


For people who know me well I still draw but It'll be on paigeeworld for now and my instgram,  which is lamelord14! 


Thanks dude! ^\\^


Hey there, It's GloriaGiraffe/UncannyTeddy/LameLord/LameTeddy here! (Dang I have a lot of nicknames.. ^^') I'm kind of bored right now, and I thought that it would be a cool idea to talk to some of my followers,  get to know you better. :3 
          So yeah, come and say hi! 
          Also if your ok with it, I was wanting to know from some of you guys, which one of you viewed some of my stuff? .-. 
          I wish I could know who views my stuff, I would totally thank them... .-.