
@FatedToPretend_  Aww miss you too xx. How are you doing? <3  it was nice having someone to just write to (without boring them completely) 


Wow!! Sounds exotic, I would have been hypnotized by the different atmosphere!  It sounds amazing.  I bet you had so much fun.  Yea I don’t know if warned you about that… or maybe I didn’t but that’s the only thing that prevent me from traveling is the water.. its different everywhere.  (and well lack of funds lol)  So glad you got your water back!
          The worst response to short messages are the “lol”  or the :)  …. It’s like come on do you lack a personality or something?!  The worst part is that sometimes people do that because  A) they really cant keep up with a conversation or B)  they just don’t want to talk to you.   I always assume the second one… sadly enough.
          I think the only reason why people put them down so much is because they have never really felt true accomplishment before… and what people don’t realize is that they cant feel that if they don’t do anything.  If you cant help yourself then I can’t help you.  It’s a shame honestly but I’ve gone through pain to help others try and see their potential but they just don’t listen.  I honestly don’t know why and it breaks my heart to know that maybe I could have helped if I stayed longer but…. They are as stubborn as they come.  We here.  We take up space.  We matter.  Look up the definition of it in any science book… it’s lifting and it’s not supposed to be a philosophy… but it’s enlightening.. to know that we effect more than we think.  If only people knew their strength.


My laptop totally went *explode* on me.. so yea.  I still don't have one, so I'm typing all of this on my phone.  DEDICATION. but it's well needed, I miss you!! D:  and it's totally ok, we're even! (besides be wary SO MANY TYPOS)
          For real, it's hard to find easy going people these days, who listen just as much as they speak!! Some people are either too reserved or too talkative and it's just overwhelming.  Even then, talking to people sometimes people just run out of things to talk about and it gets really REALLY quiet.. and you try scrambling to say something else just as interesting as before but it doesn't really work.... that happens to me WAY too often.  Sound familiar? I'm glad you feel as if you can share anything with me.  I appreciate the trust!!  I feel the same way.  I won’t judge and I feel equally you won’t judge either, which is really nice.
          Horamance?!  Oh man.  If you do post, I’ll be all over that!  I may not be into horror, but I’ll give it a try for you.. besides I enjoy your writing style.  I’m glad you came up with an idea in the process of writing those letters!  It’s hard to keep up with something like that, I really liked it and checked it everyday actually!  
          Metaphors rock!!  It adds so many layers to your description and strengthens the ability to put different images and connect other ideas together.  It’s a wonderful tool and always makes me smile whenever I get the chance to connect other ideas together!  
          Romance is my guilty pleasure as well.. as simply put.  I hate to admit it but it’s just so interesting..  I just love the drama UGH its addicting.  BUT so many books rely on their romance to create a good story line.. which sometimes can hurt the actual story line.  Romance is good but overused and it’s just  superficial I find.
          By the way I am still jealous that you went to Portugal!!  The flight was terrifying?!  Was there a lot of turbulence?  That would have frightened me for sure.