
So here we are again. This has been a really rough time for me IRL. I will get to updates soon. Thank you for staying. Love you all tons


Hey everyone just wanted to let you all know I will be working on a mini seeries to be published soon. Should be at the most 5 chapters it is a Stucky fic. Once the first chapter is edited I will post it. Just wanted to give a little announcement before just publishing it. 


Hello everyone! Sorry this weekend and next weekend might not have updates. I am working on both a new chapter for Lipstick and A Simple Man. I also started a new seeries. Not sure when I will start publishing yet. Whispers is near and dear to my heart I just don't have the heart to add to it just yet. 


Well hello wonderful people. The Lipstick seeries should have a new chapter on Friday night in Satuday morning my timezone which is PST. A Simple Man should be getting one chapter Saturday night to Sunday morning. I should be posting a chapter on Whispers sometime this week. 


A Simple man should be getting at least one Chapter on Sunday's if not two. It is all depending on my time. 
          Whispers should get started on that again in a few weeks and should be posted Saturday's 
          I have a new seeries that is almost completely done I have it on Tumblr will be posting it here. 
          I am also working on a new one Bucky/Winter soilder X reader X Steve fic