
I think its so bad that I haven't updated in about 6 months. You guys have no idea how bad I feel about that. WHERE'S THE FREE TIME!?


Hey Mo_Lovee, 
          I'm currently reading Lovin' Thugs, the first book, and I'm really loving it. Nicki's my favorite. She super fiesty, but she has a big heart. 
          I was wondering if you could check out my book "Worth". I'd also love some feedback if you have the time. Thanks so much. ❤️


Hi I'm actually working with a new publishing company called Royal Ink publishing! We are looking for hot new authors and if you take your writing serious and ready to take your stories to the next level send the first three chapters of your novel to


will there be an update for " loving thugs 2 " soon ? I love this book 


@AsiaRenee0  Of course. If I can't update, I try to talk to my followers to let them know what's up. I don't want you guys to be all confused as to why I haven't updated lol. But thank you for being patient.


@Mo_Lovee  take your time , You are an amazing writer and I will be patiently waiting. Until then keep doing what you have to in school and work. I appreciate you replying back 


@AsiaRenee0 Tbh I have no idea. School and work have been getting me. I'm really trying to find the time to do so, so please be patient. I promise an update will come hun.