
I'm so terribly sorry for the delay in an update for both of my fics, guys. I've just been hit with a terrible case of both writer's block and writer's insecurity where everything I write just doesn't seem right. I've been trying to jumpstart my writing muse within the past couple of days so hopefully I'd get at least one update up. I'm so sorry again!


@MintedJasika Your stories are really original and the characterisation is the little nuances and it doesn't feel contrived, really fresh. I'm really hooked!


I'm so terribly sorry for the delay in an update for both of my fics, guys. I've just been hit with a terrible case of both writer's block and writer's insecurity where everything I write just doesn't seem right. I've been trying to jumpstart my writing muse within the past couple of days so hopefully I'd get at least one update up. I'm so sorry again!


@MintedJasika Your stories are really original and the characterisation is the little nuances and it doesn't feel contrived, really fresh. I'm really hooked!