
Hey guys! I know...long time, no see...but I have improved a lot concerning my health. A) I can eat again...and have gained my weight back so now I'm not feeling like I'm dying of starvation anymore. And B) I finally got the root canal. The dentist filled it with a silver alloy (sorry werewolves...). Bit my gums are giving me Hell about it...but the tooth itself no longer pains me. 


I love your profile picture... Next to Foxes and Cats, Wolves are my favorite animal... It's pretty much a tie with cats...


@FallenAngelBliss Don't worry about it! :) But yeah, having an overly curious mind tends to lead one to study obsessively. 


@AuroraWolfLight Thanks I will definitely ask!! And I hate math to so I get it... Thanks again!!


@FallenAngelBliss No problem! :) I always thought it was sad how most humans place themselves on the proverbial pedestal, then actually looking into history made me realize what we actually are, and what series of mindsets we hailed from as a species and what actually gave us the tools to thrive the way we are now. But that's enough of my ranting. But seriously, if you have any questions about anything (except math....i absolutely despise math), or if you just want an opinion, just ask. I'll get back here with an answer ASAP. :)


Hey guys! I know...long time, no see...but I have improved a lot concerning my health. A) I can eat again...and have gained my weight back so now I'm not feeling like I'm dying of starvation anymore. And B) I finally got the root canal. The dentist filled it with a silver alloy (sorry werewolves...). Bit my gums are giving me Hell about it...but the tooth itself no longer pains me.