
It never ends guys! The guy who we all thought was the big guns is the "do-as-I-say" of another big guns! New chapter coming soon. Be Aware


Okay so I realized that I have been putting a lot of Spanish in my book so I decided to have a little vocabulary thing after each chapter that contains some Spanish. This vocabulary is mostly from my chapter called, "Ride."
          Tia- Aunt
          Dale- Come on
          Chico- Boy
          Te presento a- I present to you 
          Pinche Gordo- (basically it is used for calling someone a fat ass, but isn't     the exact meaning)
          Mia (accent mark over the "I") - mine
          Let me know in the comments if I have forgotten anything. If there is ever anything you need to ask me, feel free to do so.


Sorry about the wait for the post of chapter 8. It is now up so go read it. Stay tuned for chapter 9 to find out what happens next! 
          "Barred up and locked in place. I can't get out this room, I think they threw away the key. I'm brain dead, they took away the peace. Took away everything that made me happy. So now I'm gone."


My next two works will be situations that happened in a dream. We all have dreams and there are the ones we wish were true and the ones we hope to never see again. Find out how my dream series goes tomorrow. 
          Expectation Date: 11/23/2014
          Name: Just A Dream
          Name: Distance is Only Space


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
A girl raped by her best friend is lost and scared because she can't tell anyone like she wants to. You found out in Part 1 that she wanted to tell her mother and she really didn't. She had only written a poem beginning to tell her. What you will see in Part 2 is how she handles her situation and the suspect of it. 
          Say tuned for "A Deep Secret:Part 2"
          Expectation Date: 11/22/14
          Name: "A Deep Secret: Part 2"


My next poem will be about a girl who wakes up one morning and looks in the mirror feeling lost and can't see who she is. She is missing something very important to her.
          Find out who that someone/something is tomorrow and see if this will really complete her.
          Expectation Date: 11/21/2014
          Name: Mirror Mirror