
Hey everyone I hope your day is going well. I wanted to express my thanks for reading my stories. As some of you know I have taken a break from Dragon kiss. I have recently started it again. I will update when chapter 4 is complete. I am taking my time i don't get burned out again so i am going to be focusing on my fan-fiction more than have been lately. I have other stories coming up as well but i am taking my time with them so I don't get burned out on them. 
          	Alpha Slave will continue into next month but if it get up to 100 view in the next week I'll update again. 
          	Thank you all for reading my stories.


Hey everyone I hope your day is going well. I wanted to express my thanks for reading my stories. As some of you know I have taken a break from Dragon kiss. I have recently started it again. I will update when chapter 4 is complete. I am taking my time i don't get burned out again so i am going to be focusing on my fan-fiction more than have been lately. I have other stories coming up as well but i am taking my time with them so I don't get burned out on them. 
          Alpha Slave will continue into next month but if it get up to 100 view in the next week I'll update again. 
          Thank you all for reading my stories.


Alpha Slave Update 
          The new version of Alpha Slave is coming next week. I will be taking down the current chapter and next week they will star to be replaced with the newer ones. Depending on views one chapter will be released per month. The set amount of views will be fifty and at least three votes per chapter. The current views do not count because the story has been up for a while. Please read this story with fresh eyes because this story has been revised and extended in places. I haven’t changed it too much though. I will update this story until July 1 of this year and if each chapter doesn’t have at least fifty views I will not update it any more.


@MeganHultz I like the updated version but I noticed that very little has changed. Please keep it going.


Dragon Kiss Update
          Chapter 2-13 and Chapters 36-39 need to have 50 Views Otherwise Chapter four will not be put up for some time. I will continue to work on the story but if these chapters don't get up to 50 views I may not even bother to continue the story because if no one is interested in it I'm not going to keep writing it and wasting my time. I do have a few sequels in mind for The Aurora Rain Series but if the views don’t go up those will be canceled as well. July 1 of this year is the cutoff date for the Dragon Kiss series. I do love writing this series but no one seems interested in it anymore. I will keep writing until July 1 and if the views haven’t gone up by then I will not update the story anymore.


@MeganHultz Please continue the story I love this story and it would be sad to see it end before the story ends.


Dragon Kiss Update
          Hello everyone the last two parts of Chapter Three are coming in the next week I wanted to have them up by the end of last month but it just didn't happen. I'm sorry to say that I have not started working on Chapter Four yet I've been working on Alpha Slave and a new story. I've also been trying translating my stories into other languages Its a slow work in progress. Let me know if you need a certain language and I'll make sure to start translating it or would like a specific story.


Dragon Kiss Update
          The final two parts of Dragon Kiss chapter 3 are coming next month. I don't know when but both parts will be released by December 31st. Chapter Four went be released for awhile because I have to write everything on my phone and it takes longer I also want the entire chapter to be finished when I start putting it up so the updates will be more consistent.
          Alpha Slave Update
          I have been rewriting and editing this story for awhile. I have to do this on my phone so it is taking awhile the new version likely won't be up until January maybe later I don't know for sure yet.
          The Dark One's Update
          I haven't had time to work on this story the way I would like. However hopefully I can get the rewrite up some in the next few months. 
          New Stories
          I am in the process of writing a couple of new stories. They won't be up for awhile because I want to write a majority of the stories before I put them up so they can be updated regularly. 
          Is It Love? Stories
          These may take some time to update because I'm unable to use my computer right now. 
          Thank You for reading my stories I'm sorry it's taking so long to update them. Make sure to check my Facebook page regularly because I announce all the releases there before they are put up. 


For Alpha Slave fans I have recently realized that until it gets to 30,000 words on Any Stories it is not visible. However I have decided to update and rewrite the chapters that are already out. After these updates I will also make the story available on Dreame. I hope to have this done soon.


@Patsy2009 you are more than welcome. I'm very sorry I haven't worked on this story in awhile. I've been working on expanding the universe of Moonrain (The Akahvin Series and Dragon Kiss.)