
You ever wanna do something, and yet, you can't because there is something stopping you? That's basically how I feel as a Christian closeted homosexual who cannot come out to my conservative Christian parents who have never heard of the real translation of that one scripture that they love to use against us gays :)


You ever wanna do something, and yet, you can't because there is something stopping you? That's basically how I feel as a Christian closeted homosexual who cannot come out to my conservative Christian parents who have never heard of the real translation of that one scripture that they love to use against us gays :)


Life Note #1:                                                                                                      Gay-Rollllll 2/16/19
          So, if you've been reading my story, you know how unpredictable my updating schedule is. Honestly, a lot of things have been happening and this caused me to lose focus. However, I am determined to finish the book and get a bunch of other projects done. 
          I had been having issues with my phone; It would glitch at least once a day and wouldn't turn down the volume when I pressed the buttons at times. Today we (my family and I) went to the closest Verizon store (we used to be with sprint) and got new phones. I'm kind of excited.
          About being grounded:
          Yes, I don't have complete freedom yet. I say complete because I get to use it if we are going anywhere out of the house. Now, what got me grounded in the first place? Schoolwork. It's as simple as that. I had gotten so behind in my schoolwork that I had to give up my only link with friends and extended family.
           I do know that I deserved it, but I keep getting anxious because of how utterly depressed my best friend is. Like, he could literally die at any point in time and I wouldn't have a chance to stop him. That's the main reason I don't like this punishment.
          My Mental Health:
          Less stressed than usual. That's because I completed most of my classes and I just have to finish up math. Though, while this is true, I have actually been feeling worse about certain things. Like, I've always had these things, but now they're just suffocating and toxic. I don't think I've ever truly stated just how bad my mental state is, and I've never really wanted to. Music, art, writing, anime, kpop, and my best friend have all at least stopped me from doing bad things, and yet, here I am. 
          Happier Note:
          The other night, one of my dogs sprawled his front legs onto my lap and let his chest be on my lap. It was like he was hugging me lol.