Hi if your on this page your snazzy

My name is Matthew and I'm a strange European that doesn't have a life so writes weird stories and plays for people like a play about two unknown humans that kill an evil man that keep them hostage(SPOILER) Yeah-_-

I have liked writing since P1 (5 years old) and have always been near the top of my class for writing. My favourite genre would be and action or playwright but i don't mind doing a comedy or romance if someone asks.


Sooo, basically i like writing

I also like art and maths but hate Physical Education (.P.E.)
I also make a fuss when people don't use proper english like - This making Macbeth king of Scotland - but actually it's - Thus making Macbeth king of Scotland - Why did i quote Shakespeare ?

  • No stalkers
  • JoinedMay 26, 2015