
@ac201313 I will for sure keep that in mind. (: 


SO HEY GUYS! I know I said I'd post a new chapter of TTR buuuut! I've been SUPER busy with visiting family for Easter and then today I felt icky so I haven't been up much. I would write tomorrow but I'm going to a concert so I won't be able to actually write untiiiiil Friday or so. Anyways! I'd also like to say, that until now, I was using Willa Holland as an actress for Marie I suppose is what I'd say? But I've changed it to a popular youtuber who iiisss Amber Katelyn Beale. She's supersupersuper pretty and I love her pictures. I haven't decided what I'm going to use as Marie's new look but when I do I will write which will HOPEFULLY be sometime this weekend.