
happy happy. birthday birthday. to my twin cousins! double the goodness. double the fun. double the happy birthday!!! :D love you two <3 @Ainariel_Nenharma @fealoiscool


Hi, is there a possibility you will update? you book was one of the first Legolas fanfics, and I absolutely love it. I totally understand if you are busy or whatnot... I am at that stage too. but I would really Appreciate reading once again. 


@HazelDaAwesomeElleth hey :) thanks for your support and soz about that update. I stupidly published an old chapter I had forgotten about *doublefacepalm* lol im a bit out of it at the moment :') but real update is up now (V)


thanks for updating!! I will try and check it out! I am so busy with school work that i update once a month. So i totally feel you with not updating! :)


@HazelDaAwesomeElleth lol im honestly surprised by your post because i srsly think i was totally out of it whilst writing  i appreciate it though  ill update 