
I am starting back up writing but I will be doing new stories. Right now I will be working on a R5 fanfic and maybe a Supernatural fanfic


I probably will not be updating my ranger fanfictions for any others for a while unless its my Blake Gray, Simon Britton, Brandon rowland ones or if I'm making more YouNower ones. I'm obsessed with my YouNowers right now so if u like Mark Thomas, Jacob Sartorius, Nathan Triska, Simon Britton, Brandon & Hunter Rowland, Blake Gray, or other YouNowers please hmu! 


I will be updating all ranger fanfictions and possibly others later when I wake up. I am just now getting to sleep and it is 5am. Hope you enjoyed my stories so far. Remember! Reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. I am Bill Cipher and you will all be my slaves one day! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside down and I reign supreme! Welcome one and all to Weirdmaggedon! Buy gold! Bye!


So, turns out I have bronchitis so I wont be updating as much. I will be updating all power ranger stories after my bronchitis is gone. Although, even though I am sick, I will be attempting to write a Gravity Falls story. Why would I write a new story but not update my others you ask? Well, the sad news is the great Alex Hirsch, the writer of the amazingness we call Gravity Falls, has decided to end the series with only 2 seasons. Even though it was a great ending, more fanfictions need to be done as a tribute to this great show. So, I am writing a Gravity Falls fanfiction instead of updating while I'm sick. Hopefully I can give justice to the great young Alex Hirsch's work.


I will only be updating Sharkboy and Lavagirl and Spy Kids Game Over if more people want updates. Please comment in the stories. I will be updating my Evil Love story today around noon so keep on the look out. Also I will be making a Dino Thunder story soon. Probly a Connor McKnight love story. I will also be writing a DuhItzMarkk story soon as well. Until then have fun with my stories!!!!