
Hello Everyone!! 
          	I hope you are all doing well. A new story is out- Ardhanarishvara- The Tale of Sacrifice and Love!
          	It was supposed to be published on Mahashivratri but got delayed due to my exams:( Any ways, I hope you'll show some love!
          	Here's the link to it-
          	Do vote, comment and share❤️❤️
          	Radhe Radhe


Hello Everyone!! 
          I hope you are all doing well. A new story is out- Ardhanarishvara- The Tale of Sacrifice and Love!
          It was supposed to be published on Mahashivratri but got delayed due to my exams:( Any ways, I hope you'll show some love!
          Here's the link to it-
          Do vote, comment and share❤️❤️
          Radhe Radhe


Oh My God!!
          Did we just hit 1K reads on Siya Rama- The Eternal Love?
          This has to be the best day of my life! Thank you so much all for supporting me and the book. And also, I have some amazing updates planned out so stay tuned!
          Thank You So Much!!!


Also here is the link to the story-
            Lots of love❤️❤️
            Radhe Radhe


Happy Janmashtami Everyone!!! 
          अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं,
          राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभम ।
          कौन कहता हे भगवान आते नहीं,
          तुम मीरा के जैसे बुलाते नहीं ।
          || कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम् ||


Hello!! Just wanted to drop in and share a beautiful video which I stumbled upon today. The dance, music and lyrics are phenomenal. You will be left mesmerized completely!!! It's Dontheneni  sisters performance on "Sita Kalyanam." Like the portrayal of the lyrics through dance and equally soothing music is so beautiful!!
          Here's the link to their video, in case you haven't watched it-

          I can guarantee you the most magical 6 minutes of your life❤️
          Radhe Radhe❤️


@netindianblogger  That's so cute!! ❤️❤️


@Mahashweta2000 yes absolutely love it... have been watching it often and Infact my 5 year old daughter loves to watch it on loop... 