
Daughter of the Bat Chapter 5 is published! I hope you enjoy!


First I am so sorry for the delay on DotB. I went on a little trip with my family and SOMEHOW my laptop got absolutely destroyed while I was out and about. I still have no idea how. I think what happened was one of my little cousins accidently fell on it when they were playing or something. But it was pretty much unfixable so I had to get a new one and pretty much had to rewrite the rewrite (hehe)
          Second I'm currently still finishing up but I've made some progress. Chapter 5 will be posted tomorrow and I've decided to post Chapter 6 next weekend to make up for lost time. 
          Again sorry for the wait and I hope you guys enjoy. 


Hello everyone! 
          Chapter Two for Daughter of the Bat will be published tomorrow!


@InikaBoy Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I know its kinda weird not having question mark. Before I would do that but ever since my English professor told me you shouldn't add one its been kinda stuck in my head lol (every time I did add one in an essay or story he would take points off so its wired in my brain to not add one) but I'll work on that. 
            Thanks again!


Just read chapter two of DOTB, so far the premise is pretty solid.  Would recommend and adding a question mark when the characters ask questions but that’s just my opinion.
            I know it’s a weird thought but instead of Wallace being pulled out of the rubble I actually thought that it was going to be Emma. Replacing Barbara as O.R.I.C.L.E as a twist?  Just some food for thought 