
Okay so college is harder than I expected, but now I have cleared out time on the weekends to work on The Stars for real. Thank you all for your patience and I can’t wait to start wrapping things up so I can work on College Coming!


Hi, are you still writting the stars ?


Hi!! So I have had a few setbacks and writer’s blocks, but yea I’m still writing it. I’m deciding on the ending I want for it (angsty sadness or happiness) and that’s also taking a bit. But I am still working on it for sure!!!  I am determined to see it through the end : )


Hey guys! I know it’s a been a while but last time I was in here, I mass published like 21 chapters of The Stars, so I hope that helped some of you. As of rn, I have only about 5 chapters planned for the rest of that book, as I’ve started a couple new projects since I’ve been working on The Stars for a while now.
          Just wanted to know that I haven’t abandoned it, just had setbacks and I’m working on the next chapter now :)


            I have another setback of moving during this month, but I’m hoping to get back into writing and publishing soon 




Hey y’all! School’s coming to a close, but until then (About May 28th) I won’t be posting anything for The Stars as I want to dedicate getting it done over the summer, since I won’t have too many distractions. College Coming is a stress reliever and luckily it’s less strict in storyline than The Stars, so I will update that as I please :)
          Hope everyone’s doing good, and thank you for being patient :D


Hi! For those of you that checked back to the stories I have rn, I unpublished most of the author’s notes and even some of the stories I previously had out with only a few parts in them. I have many ideas that I want to get to, but I realized I don’t want to take too much of my attention away from the main stories. (by already thinking of ideas for the moments in between chapters in a separate one shot book, cuz my brain is skipping around everywhere)
          Here is my plan cuz I have 2 series in the making. One is “The Stars” universe, where I am currently writing The Stars and will be working in the requested prequel book next. The other is “The College Conundrums” series, where I am working on College Coming right now, then a sequel book after. So there are already four books that will definitely happen (if I don’t lose my motivation)
          If I can somehow get those done, then there is one more idea have for each series plus an associated one shot book for a total of 4 fics in each series. These additional 4 books aren’t being promised rn (the 2 I mentioned for each series, making a total of 4), but I will try to get to them if I can.
          I hope that wasn’t too confusing, but just know that I am focusing on the two books I have out right now. However, if enough people make requests, I will totally make a random one shot book for supernatural, bones, and/or criminal minds
          Thanks for reading this long thing, I’m a little more than frazzled and I know I’m rambling :,)


So many of you guys are SO supportive, and you've encouraged to post more than I've ever dreamed of ever publishing. I just put out a new book which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than The Stars, basically all smut in my new book College Coming. It's my first time writing such scenes and constructive criticism is welcome, I am still going to focus on The Stars (only 8 left to draft up) but I wanted to give myself a start on my new idea/inspiration from my friend :) hopefully you guys enjoy either or hopefully both!!


Thank you sm!!! I’m glad you like it, I was thinking of deleting it, but I’ll keep it up!!


@MImagiNation4EVR OMG! let me just say omg! You have such an amazing talent for writing, this new book is AMAZING ! I love how you focused on many different characters with her like it is so good!!!! You truly are so talented! 


Mini rant/thought- I have been working on this book since October 26th 2020, and I haven’t really done much in the past 2 months (thanks for being patient btw). So that’s about 3 months with the whole of November to January. 
          The awesome part is that what I have published so far is 46,089 words of Hotch fic, which I find pretty amazing. I’m sure a lot of you know the struggle of writing, but for reference, most novels are between 40-90k. So just what I have published right now is a short novel, which is crazy! 
          As I’ve mentioned before, I save all of my work on a docs then rewrite on a separate docs for a better version, which is basically double the work (I cry at all the parts of the rough drafts I’ve had to cut out of what I’m going to end up publishing). With everything I’ve done, I’ve written 143k words of just story, and another 4k to plan everything out. Keep in mind that this is just SO FAR, I still have 25 chapters left. 
          I didn’t know where else to post this because I’m so proud of myself for finally sticking with a story and foreseeing myself actually finishing it (hopefully soon, but you know how things are), but I don’t want this to be taken as bragging. I’m posting this as sort of a benchmark, so I can see how far I’ve come and to help keep y’all updated on what’s happening/why it’s taking so long. 
          On that note, props to every writer because the process is EXHAUSTING, but it’s worth it. So keep chugging on and I can’t wait to see what we all create!!


Waddup I have been depressed as HELL but just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t abandoned The Stars yet. I have an outline and I foresee about 25 chapter left? Give or take a couple in case I combine or have to split chapters for length. I have the next 14 chapters typed as rough drafts, but I want to make sure I tie up as many loose ends before publishing them. It’s a whole process to make sure it’s the best I can get them, but thank you to everyone who’s stuck around. Y’all mean the world to me, and my motivation to keep writing : )


@ceejayaustria Thank you for the well wishes! I am doing better and I find writing and reading to be therapeutic, so I'm happy I made some progress too :D


@MImagiNation4EVR oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I really hope you're doing better now. I'm happy you made some progress with the chapters though!


Dang dude, I hope y’all are okay. Thank you SO MUCH for all the love you’ve given to The Stars and me. I have not abandoned the story, but I have a lot of big projects due within the next two months, so I probably won’t get back in schedule until March. However, I will try my hardest to put as many chapters out in my free time.
          Thank you to everyone who’s stuck around and enjoy my writing (despite how crappy I may believe it is sometimes- my depressed and anxious brain’s fault, but I’m working on being tolerant of my work)
          I love all y’all and don’t forget to say it back :D


Hey y’all, I hope you guys are doing okay. I just wanted to say that I won’t be updating until next week as I am focusing on college applications due on the 15th. 
          Thank you for the people with suggestions, requests, and everyone who comments and reads The Stars in general :D
          I love you and don’t forget to say it back ;) ❤️