
          	I get to change the "single" in my bio to taken!!!


@Vixie_randumvids someone I met a while back, God she's so beautiful and smart and kind and she has the most gorgeous eyes, I don't get to talk about her a lot so sorry about the little rant lol


          I get to change the "single" in my bio to taken!!!


@Vixie_randumvids someone I met a while back, God she's so beautiful and smart and kind and she has the most gorgeous eyes, I don't get to talk about her a lot so sorry about the little rant lol


Little vent type thing 
          Me being touch starved is really catching up to me lately. Like family members and my best friend is calling me out of never giving them hugs. It's not that I don't like to be touched, I love hugs. I'm just used to not getting them. At least not anymore.  The person that I knew gave the best hugs is my ex lover who moved away and we broke up so I don't get their good hugs anymore. Then my best friend likes hugs but doesn't like them from me, so I don't get them from her but recently she asked if she could have one and I instinctly said no without thinking. She asked why and got offended I guess and I just asked why she wanted one and she said just cause'. 
          Different thing. I was told that I let my emotions get the best of me and my only thing is like 'what emotions??' Like I honestly haven't felt much in probably months. And I hate it. I Hate it so much. But recently I just constantly feel like I'm about to burst into tears even when I don't have a reason. I mean my grandma died kinda recently but I got closure on that when we spread her ashes so I don't think it's that. I just don't know. But I guess its not bad Enough for me to ask for help, I've felt worse and people are doing worse than me. Anyways just wanted that out of my brain. 
          Have a good day peoples!


@Vixie_randumvids yeah thank you! It is getting  better in some ways, but gotta keep moving forward right? Things like this don't last forever 



@moonbinlovesaroha oh it doesn't matter which one, I guess just pick one lol


αυτό το μήνυμα μπορεί να είναι προσβλητικό
Guys it's only been a week and Hazbin owns my soul like I'm in deep for this shit. 
          It is carrying my mental state by itself 
          Not to mention it's what's been helping me feel better from my grandma's recent passing 
          It's not everyday that I love a piece of media so much that I draw characters and stuff from it but here I am! Don't let it deceive you I am not an artist bro