
Help me get Blind Wave to react to BEASTARS by voting in their poll anybody can vote, so please help me!!
          	P.S. I will be posting more chapters of It’s Not The Raptor DNA soon!!


@LucarioMaster41 will you make a sequil to its not the raptor dna


@LucarioMaster41 I would like to read more of it's not the raptor dna if you will


Do you plan to continue the story beyond releasing all the updated/remastered chapters? I genuinely love this story. Easily top 5 best fanfics ever made. But, it’s been so long since the story was updated on fanfiction, so I’m curious if you plan to expand and continue the overall story. Please message me as soon as you can, as this story means a lot to me and so many others. I’m just hopeful that the story is not abandoned, in the sense that no more “new” content will be released. 


HiHi, I really like the story of SkullSanddigorry, it's not Raptor Dna. I love that I so much created a fanfic inspired by it called "The Boy and the Beast" it's the indominus rex which escapes from its enclosure, he she trying to live in a world recovered of Prejuged about her as a monster and all that. She will meet Gray Mitchell and the two will discover a big friendship between them. I was in the first chapter and trying to find a name for The Indominus rex and have a little writer block for sone type of Chapter