
From now on we're sticking to one shots baby! I don't have the time nor brain power to write more than that and if I do venture beyond that, don't have any high hopes for completion cause I can barely figure out what to eat let alone where to take a story XD


I immediately wrote a story that requires multiple chapters. Damn it...


From now on we're sticking to one shots baby! I don't have the time nor brain power to write more than that and if I do venture beyond that, don't have any high hopes for completion cause I can barely figure out what to eat let alone where to take a story XD


I immediately wrote a story that requires multiple chapters. Damn it...


thought i saw boobs in your profile picture xD


@Llisona what can i say, im a person who gets things dine xD


I hope you know I changed my profile pic just for you so *that* doesn’t happen again XD


@Son_of_Olympus … that would be a major personality change for me but not impossible ig


My life's a wreck so we're revamping the book I started over a year ago instead of doing anything about my life! Yaaaaaaay. It's been a hot minute since I've done creative writing so feedback is appreciated!


I accidentally threatened a guy I want to ask out…any advice?
          Essentially, I was on my way to a meeting and someone had given me some Twix (my FAVORITE candy). The guy saw I had Twix and asked for one. I said no obviously and he said, “I’ll let you keep them if you can tell me how many bones are in the human body.”
          Well my knee jerk response was “Ok, let’s crack you open and count.” 
          AAAAAAHHHHH! I normally try to be a bit more chill around people I like so I don’t scare them off with my kind of violent all over the place personality! 
          So yeah. I’m embarrassed and don’t know what to do now 


late but this is funny help


@Irisofthewaters Lol fair enough. So far all the girls I’ve told this to think it’s amazing and the few guys I’ve told have had mellow reactions. 


@Llisona If he doesn't find that amusing he isn't worth your tine


I made a mistake…
          I was having a conversation with some people and someone brought up how crappy cramps are, and I said that I was lucky and rarely had them. 
          I shouldn’t have said anything… A few hours later I started having the worst cramps I’d had in years. Daaaaaaaaammmmnnnnnn it all to hell! 
          Let this be a lesson to you all. I don’t know what the lesson is, but learn something! 


PLS THAT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME- i basically never have cramps either but then on occasion i’ll have them and they just get progressively worse as they randomly come to me- 


You know the best response to people who are way to invested in a character and say something along the lines of “death to all who oppose xyz character?”
          Just say, “Hooray! I’ve been waiting!”
          They immediately stop and begin questioning everything. If your lucky, they begin questioning your sanity instead! 
          Oh the joys of being a terrible person


oh my god that’s the best thing i’ve ever heard just you wait until i pull this one they won’t know what’s hit em