
You guys have to help me :'( This is serious! 
          	I can't find...episode 188+ of Fairy Tail...English Dubbed... And it was just getting to a good part D': 
          	Please. Help. Me. 
          	Id be so grateful if you did :( 


You guys have to help me :'( This is serious! 
          I can't find...episode 188+ of Fairy Tail...English Dubbed... And it was just getting to a good part D': 
          Please. Help. Me. 
          Id be so grateful if you did :( 


Omg okay thank you so much, I thought my life was over, I can't deal with the subbed only ones XD ...I'm literally on countdown for The Walking Dead, Comic Con & now this, do you know how many episodes will be dubbed or is it uncertain? :D x