
Wow its been 2 years since I've last done anything, and 5 years since I joined Wattpad. Its crazy how time flies.


To Be honest I have been lazy... I can't get myself to sit at that computer an type.. Today I have set aside time to do so. Everyone who has been messaging me has really helped me get over this laziness do THANKS!! :D ok let me get on those chapters!! 


@LifeIshHard haha, actually being visually impaired doesn't mean you can see at all. It just means that you vision is very limited, and it's hard to see things far.away. I.adjust to life very well, I have glasses that I wear to help me type. :) but like I said, I just have to adjust to life, everyone does who is visually impaired.


ok, i think itr is about time I start writing again. my senior year of high school is over, I am now on summer break. I am Graduation on saturday :D (just thought I would let all you know) I am already planning on when I will upload. probly though not till next weekend cuz of graduation and my senior trip. but i hope to keep u up tp date more often.


I am sure I have lost most of my readers... but for those that are still with me thank you. I am sending my greatest apologies, I did have a chapter done ans was working on another (I was going to upload 2 at the same time) but I gave my friend my flash drive because she was uploading a really cute anime movie on it, and she didnt give it back to me the last day of school before we got off for break. when I get it back I will most definetly upload!! again I am so very sorry, and again thanks to those who are still with me :)