
So I’ve went back to watching Supernatural while I’ve been sick this week— still watching through for the first time. At season 6 and…well… Sooo many ideas…


Hello @LizEG96 I was wondering if you are continuing your grays anatomy books as I’d love to read more 


Yes, I will be continuing them! I can’t promise when the updates will be because I’ve been struggling with a little bit of writer’s block recently. However, I’m hoping to try to update “Hesitate” this weekend and “Stitches” some point within the next couple of weeks. 


this message may be offensive
Sorry, but I just need to vent/rant somewhere and this is my only outlet right now.
          Fuck cancer.
          Fuck doctors that don’t do their jobs.
          Fuck parents that don’t step up for their kids and take responsibility.
          Fuck organizations that think it’s okay to target children— let alone autistic children.
          Fuck homophobic pricks.
          Fuck liars.
          Fuck people that do everything to drive a wedge between a child and their parent.
          Fuck this goddamn summer.