
It took a while, but the god of inspiration took me and I spent a solid day writing a chapter for Not All Shells are Hollow. I have half a mind to go back and make corrections on previous chapters, polish typos mainly, but I may very well leave it alone.


It took a while, but the god of inspiration took me and I spent a solid day writing a chapter for Not All Shells are Hollow. I have half a mind to go back and make corrections on previous chapters, polish typos mainly, but I may very well leave it alone.


To the folks blowing up my notifications with votes and comments concerning Not All Shells are Hollow, I just wanna say, I hear you and I'm blown away.
          I'm currently devoted to Plan A at the moment, as it's an old personal passion project, but I hope to continue NASaH when I have the time and motivation to dedicate to it.