Thank you so much for the follow! I hope that you are liking the story! If you have any comments about it, like favorite characters, moments, or just general feedback, I'd be glad to read them!
          Last but not least, thank you very much for reading and stay safe!


@LilQueen_4 No problem! It makes me very glad to know that you love my story and I would love read your comments, reactions, etc, to it! =D


@MRPANDOPOOL  You're welcome! I love all of your stories & thanks for letting me know it's okay to comment more!  (some people are so finicky about that )


Thank you for the comments on aggressionkittens feed. I appreciate it. I sometimes don't feel I'm an amazing writer. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them and if used I will give you credit. :)


@luna96 Of course! honestly Im better with fantasy ideas cause i hate reality a lot but if you're stuck on certain things i'd be happy to help and thank you for the credit! ^.^